
Sunday, September 1, 2013

Departing Brisbane:

After 14000+ kilometres brown, brown landscapes:

LA to Denver flight

Perfect Father's day hiking not bush walking in Golden Gate State Park, Colorado:
Panorama Point GG State Park

Rocky mountains in the background

took lots of photos

Fell in love with the mountains

Rained overnight so plenty of mushrooms

Birches in the wild

Nederlands Colorado Bike shop, as you can see paradise for us!

Panaorama Point Father's Day 2013

At the bottom of the valley hike

Bikie bar lunch in the mountains after a hike, would you believe we had to clean up after ourselves, a gourmet delight:

Especially if you were unfortunate enough to order Chicken fried steak, mash, gravy and collard greens like our grandson Brett:

Every plate of slops comes with a pickle:

You can have local brewed BBQ sauce but  "It hits you, just like battery acid" according to Pete!

However the quote of the day was "What's the cannabis shop sell?" said Rosie. Marijuana was legalized in Colorado in the last election.

Bike shop and coffe stop in one!

Illegally hiking the closed Boulder Falls trail which has been closed for the season, but we weren't alone many did it!

After almost 45yrs married still a cute couple!
Illegally accessing a closed track:

Can't wait to ride some of the trails we saw today. As you can see I am getting good use of the new camera I bought!

1 comment:

  1. Looks like you folks had great time! I always liked stopping in Nederland!
